Our Director of Missions
Darreyl is the son of H. C. Duggar and the late Kathlyn Duggar of Bristol. He and Marcia have two children, Shannon, and Zack.
Darreyl has served as a pastor for churches in Florida, Tennessee, Ohio, and Alabama. He has also served as Minister of Counseling in Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida. While in this area, Darreyl served as the Mission Director of L.I.F.E. (Liberty Initiating Frontline Evangelism). He trained teams of teenagers and adults from small churches to do VBS and evangelism and then gave them mission opportunities in the U.S. and abroad.
Dr. Darreyl Duggar and his wife, Marcia, formerly served on the campus of The Baptist College of Florida, now called the Baptist University of Florida, in Graceville, Florida. Darreyl taught several classes in Psychology, Counseling, and Social Services. His wife Marcia was the Public Service Librarian for the college.